
The conference is open to any interested participant, academic or non-academic. Registration is mandatory in order to attend (any part of) the conference or present a paper.

Registration will be online: the registration form is available here.

Each registered author is allowed to present at most one paper, and only presented papers will appear in the conference proceedings.

Please be aware that early registration (and payment) until May 15th, 2017 for a presenting person is mandatory to include the paper in the conference proceedings.

Registration fee

Early (till May 15th, 2017) after May 15th, 2017
Normal 380 Euro 450 Euro
Student 250 Euro 300 Euro
Accompanying person 100 Euro 120 Euro

The "normal" and "student" registration fee includes access to all conference sessions and social events, conference proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks and conference dinner.

The "Accompanying person" fee includes access to social events and social dinner

Registrations fees do not include accommodation.

Please note that student registration should be accompanied by a formal proof or certificate of studentship. This can be a copy of a student card, provided that it clearly mentions the current academic year, the student's name, and the institution, or a letter by the dean or research supervisor that states that you are a student at your university/institution in the academic year 2016-2017. The proof of studentship should be scanned and sent via email to (and the hardcopy presented at the conference desk).